Passion. Day & Night.


Recruitment campaign for KPMG

The Briefing

Passion. It’s a force that drives everyone in one way or another. To find young talent that resonates with this sentiment, KPMG asked us to produce a recruitment film for new graduates. The positive, dynamic and vibrant message shows that passion can take many forms. By day and by night. And KPMG understands that.

The story we wanted to tell

Passion is the thread running through the film: it’s the powerful force that pushes young people to pursue their personal dreams. By joining KPMG, this same force can drive their professional lives.

We created a dramatic narrative intertwining the passions of four young people to an accelerating soundtrack. We created the soundtrack by revising and adapting a piece of classical music to incorporate the drumming of one of the characters in the film.
The sound design was a challenge because it was so integral to the narrative and played a key role in the intensity of the film.

We wanted to make a film that would get noticed. We didn’t want to be categorical, saying: ‘this is what your role will be at KPMG’, but rather to say, ‘look - these are our young recruits, they are dynamic and passionate people.

Julie, Account Manager.


We wanted to film people who really did follow their passion, so most of the cast had no prior acting experience. To be as realistic as possible, we filmed each character demonstrating their specialty in a specific visual setting. We used natural lighting for the outside shots and studio backdrops for the dancer and drummer to accentuate this authenticity.


Editing was crucial in making this film. We wanted to create a narrative rhythm generated by real sounds, sounds synchronised with the images: the sound of ballet slippers skimming the floor, the brush of the horse’s mare, the jogger’s breathing – all audio details that allowed us to build up the narrative. We also wanted to create a sense of suspense that would keep the viewer guessing till the end.


This film is a valuable recruitment tool for KPMG . It is used in all relevant campaigns, is widely shown on social media and accompanies any job vacancies posted online.

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