What is Fusion?

Fusion for Energy

Why Fusion can be an Energy source for the future

The Briefing

Fusion is the energy that powers the stars. For decades scientists have been trying to figure out how to produce this energy through various experiments.
ITER is getting closer than ever before in history to achieving this, so they needed to explain what Fusion is.

The story we wanted to tell

We wanted to produce a film that could be understood by as many people as possible. The biggest challenge was to create a visual environment that was both technological and appealing, so that we could hold the audience’s attention.

The animation allowed us to move rapidly from infinitely large scenes to infinitely small.

Cédric Wavreil, Motion Designer.

The creative process

We undertook a lot of research and discussion with the client in the earliest stages of the project to define the best approach to deliver their message to a very wide audience. This led us to create a very playful and colourful 3D design.

The film also unfolds like a story, so we wanted to make the transitions as seamless and smooth as possible to create this feeling of a parent telling a magical story to their children.


This film will be used by Fusion for Energy, the European Union organisation managing Europe’s contribution to ITER, to communicate about the project.

On their website and their social media, but also during offline presentations.

All Animations