Let’s move (your fingers)!


Sustainable communication

The Briefing

For international engineering group Sweco, mobility is in its DNA. Sweco designs the infrastructure and transportation systems of tomorrow’s communities, using its know-how to promote sustainable mobility. The company encourages this same sustainable mobility for its own employees.

The story we wanted to tell

Sweco wanted to present its philosophy via a film that is both fun and educational. The starting request was a “whiteboard” movie. We considered an alternative and proposed… a playful hand game.

The production was a small craft challenge: paper shapes, hand choreography, and a few pieces of string.

Cédric Wavreil, Motion Designer.

The creative process

After scripting the film based on the copy, we produced a series of visuals to represent the different topics. These visuals were printed on cardboard. We also created backgrounds: roads, canals, trees, mountains. In the studio, we filmed an overhead video of hands manipulating these objects and following careful choreography. These shots were then reworked in After Effects to clean them up and add some visual effects.


The film is used by Sweco on their website and social networks. It is an external communication tool, but also an internal message for its own employees.

All Animations